New Rockford, ND

Welcome to New Rockford, ND
Photo montage: children holding hands and running through a field, bales of hay on farmland, a young couple with a baby in the park, the sun shining on a field of wheat

American Legion Raymond B. Thorn Post #30

824 Central Ave.

New Rockford, ND


The New Rockford American Legion Raymond B. Thorn Post #30 would like to welcome you to New Rockford's website and the American Legion's web page. Post #30 was organized and chartered in August 1920 and has continued to this day. The post holds monthly suppers and meetings from September to May. There are 12 elected officers in the legion, elections are held each April to fill the slate of officers. Membership is $35.00 per year. Paid up for life is available.
To belong to the American Legion you must have served in the military:

Merchant Marines only December 7, 1941 - August 15, 1945
April 6, 1917 - November 11, 1918
December 7, 1941 - December 31, 1946
June 25, 1950 - January 31, 1955
February 28, 1961 - May 7, 1975
August 24, 1982 - July 31, 13-984
December 20, 1989 - January 31, 1990
August 2, 1990 - Cessation of hostilities as determined by the US Government
The New Rockford American Legion is in the 4th District and there are 18 posts in the 4th District with a membership of over 1500 veterans.

For under 10¢ a day you can become a member of the largest veterans organizations.

The post sponsors: Legion Baseball, Boys State, High School Oratorical Competition, Flag Education, Children and Youth Programs, and Patriotic Observances with our Color Guard. the Legion provides a military honor guard for deceased members and all veterans upon request. The Legion is present at the Central North Dakota Steam Thresher's Reunion each September. The post provides a Memorial Day Program and annual events at the club such as: Chicken and Corn Feed, Big Buck Night, $20.00 ticket drawings and supper.

We supply free use of wheel chairs, walkers, canes, and crutches for those in need. We furnish US Flags and replace worn and torn flags free of charge to all government buildings and offices. We also supply brackets and flags for city light and street poles, the poles at the cemetery, and all veterans memorials at that site. The post takes care of getting them up and taking them down on special holidays.

The Post has a 2 room club with bar and kitchen facilities, which are for available for rental and parties. Our gaming funds are distributed throughout the community to legal recipients. We also have flags, emblems, and Legion caps for sale.

We have a county and post service officer to assist all veterans with any problems - Jerry Valdivia (701) 302-0830
For Post rental or other Post matters, contact Robert Ludwig at (701) 947-5445.

This site maintained by the New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation.