Eddy County Museum Celebrates ND History at Ice Cream Social
July 21st, 2014 – The Eddy County Museum and Historical Society will host its annual Ice Cream Social fundraiser on Sunday, August 10th, from 1-4 p.m. at the Museum, located at 1115 1st Ave N, across from the Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd.
The social includes a build-your-own old-fashioned ice cream sundae bar, with ice cream and a variety of toppings, coffee, and lemonade. This year’s event will be a celebration of the 125th anniversary of North Dakota’s statehood. There will also be a recognition ceremony for former board member Metta McDowell, for her years of service to the Museum, and guests will hear music played on the Museum’s newly refurbished antique Edison Machine phonograph. Guided tours will be available throughout the event, as well as activities for kids. The event is free will offering, with all proceeds going to the Museum’s roof repair fund.
The Eddy County Museum is open Sundays from 1-4 p.m. between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Please contact Jessica at 947-2205 with any questions, and find the Eddy County Museum on Facebook for photos and updates.