New Rockford, ND

Welcome to New Rockford, ND
Photo montage: children holding hands and running through a field, bales of hay on farmland, a young couple with a baby in the park, the sun shining on a field of wheat

Lions and Chamber Fireworks Fundraiser Bingo Set

January 15th, 2013 – The New Rockford Lions Club and the New Rockford Chamber of Commerce will hold a joint fundraiser to help pay for this summer’s 4th of July fireworks display. The event, a baked potato bar and bingo games, is set for Sunday, February 10 at the Eagles Club.

The baked potato bar is free will offering, and will serve from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., followed by bingo at 1:30. There will be fifteen games of bingo at a price of $10 for six cards. Contact a Lions or Chamber board member with any questions.

This site maintained by the New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation.