Pool Brainstorm Session Draws a Crowd of Conversation
More than 40 community members came together to discuss options, concerns and ideas for the New Rockford Pool at the Community Pool Brainstorm Session at the end of November. Hosted by the New Rockford Park Board and the New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation (NRABC), the goal of the session was to engage the community and seek input concerning the pool.
Sarah Smith Warren, Executive Director of the NRABC, opened by explaining that the project is in the very beginning stages. “This Pool Committee was put together last month and the first order of business was to gather information to better understand the needs and wants of the community. That is why we are here tonight.”
Attendees were treated to “life preserver” frosted doughnuts, Latté Lobby coffee, tropical punch and festive beach decor, before opening the session with an overview of the current pool and problems. Judy Allmaras, president of the New Rockford Park Board, stated that recent research by the EAPC Engineers confirmed several issues with the current structure. “The pool was built in 1978 and is in need of major repairs and renovations due to its age. It leaks hundreds of gallons of water and it does not meet accessibility requirements.”
After providing background information, Smith Warren guided small group conversations discussing the pros and cons of an indoor and outdoor pool, concerns about the pool project and whether a pool is important to the community. “The conversation was incredibly thoughtful, positive- yet-realistic, and included voices from several different age groups. One person felt strongly about having a place for children to be active outdoors while another saw an opportunity to provide an indoor exercise and therapy space for a growing senior and elderly population.”
The session concluded with a summary of major questions and ideas including the concern of cost, a strong support for having a pool in the community, and a priority that the pool be accessible to all individuals. Smith Warren laid out the next steps of the project by saying, “The Pool Committee will use the information provided here along with the community survey and K-12 student survey to help guide the research process. The Committee will collect data concerning costs, options and funding and report back to the community.”
The Pool Committee will provide project and information updates on the City of New Rockford website at www.cityofnewrockford.com. The Community Survey is still available to complete online or at city hall, through December 14. For more information about the project, contact Judy Allmaras with the New Rockford Park Board at 701.302.0034 or Sarah Smith Warren with the New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation at 701.947.2205.