New Rockford, ND

Welcome to New Rockford, ND
Photo montage: children holding hands and running through a field, bales of hay on farmland, a young couple with a baby in the park, the sun shining on a field of wheat

Eddy County Museum Opening Soon

May 14th, 2013 –
The Eddy County Museum will open for the season on Sunday, May 26. The Museum is open every Sunday from 1-4 p.m. through September 1. New exhibits will be rolled out throughout the summer, including “Anne & Rocky: the Two-Headed Calf”, “Education in Eddy County”, and “Hands-on History”. The Museum will also host its annual Rhubarb Fest on July 7, and the Ice Cream Social on August 18.

The Eddy County Museum is located at 1115 1st Ave. N in New Rockford, just across the street from the Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd. Admission is always free of charge, and guided tours of the three-building facility and courtyard are available. Contact Jessica Dillon at (701) 947-2205 with any questions, or find the Eddy County Museum on Facebook for exhibit and event updates.

This site maintained by the New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation.