New Rockford, ND

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Rockin’ Fitness Group Classes Set for Fall

August 19th, 2013
– Rockin’ Fitness, New Rockford’s 24-hour fitness center, is ready for summer’s outdoor athletes to come in out of the cold this fall with squeaky clean fitness equipment and a full schedule of group fitness classes.

Four different group fitness programs are being offered for a total of nine classes each week – BodyPump, pilates, Zumba, and yoga. All group fitness classes are held at the Dance Studio, next door to the Opera House on Central Avenue. All classes are open to the public, no membership at the fitness center is required. However, members enrolled in Blue Cross health club rebates may use class attendance towards their monthly quota.

Starting September 1, the classes available through Rockin’ Fitness will be:

Les Mills BodyPump™ - a choreographed lightweight barbell class designed to sculpt lean muscle and burn fat, set to fast, fun music. Pump classes, instructed by Brittany Allmaras, are 60 minutes and are held Mondays at 5 p.m., Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m., and Thursdays at 5 p.m.

Pilates - a gentle core workout for strength and muscle tone, using small, slow exercises focused on muscles in the abs, thighs, and glutes. Pilates classes, instructed by Jessica Dillon, are 45 minutes and are held Thursdays at 6 p.m.

Zumba® - a dance fitness combining international music with hip dance moves to make exercise fun. The workouts are cardio-intense, but low-impact on joints, and suitable for people of all ages. Zumba classes, instructed by Holly Dockter of Harvey, are 60 minutes, and are held Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Yoga - though not offered directly through Rockin’ Fitness, sponsored yoga classes are provided by a private instructor. Yoga is composed of slow stretches and poses for balance, flexibility, strength, and stress relief. Yoga classes, instructed by Jessica Dillon, are 60 minutes, and are held Thursdays at 7 p.m.

The classes are designed for students of all levels to practice together, so beginners meet at the same time as more experienced class members. Classes operate on a drop-in basis, meaning students may start or end at any time and are not required to attend every class.

Effective September 1, Bodypump, Zumba, and pilates classes will be $5 each for drop-ins, or a 10-class punch card valid for all three classes may be purchased for $40. Rockin’ Fitness members may also add an unlimited class pass to their membership for just $15/month, for unlimited access to all three classes. Yoga, as a separate program, is $6 for a drop-in, or a six-class punch card is $30.

Rockin’ Fitness is also a SilverSneakers facility. This program, designed especially for older adults, provides a free basic gym membership for Medicare program participants. SilverSneakers members may purchase an unlimited monthly class pass to add to their free membership.

For more information on class schedules or membership questions, please contact Rockin’ Fitness at 947-2830.

This site maintained by the New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation.