New Rockford, ND

Welcome to New Rockford, ND
Photo montage: children holding hands and running through a field, bales of hay on farmland, a young couple with a baby in the park, the sun shining on a field of wheat

Baseball Programs

Park District Youth Baseball Programs

Tee Ball: Ages 5-6 - Coaches Jeremy Schmaltz, Mathew Ystaas

Coach Pitch: Ages 7-10  

Pee Wee and Cal Ripken: Ages 11-12 

Babe Ruth: Ages 13-15  


Girls Softball: Ages 9-14 



For more information call or stop in at City Hall from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. or contact Dennis Nybo, Parks District Director




 2023 Schedules

This site maintained by the New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation.