New Rockford, ND

Welcome to New Rockford, ND
Photo montage: children holding hands and running through a field, bales of hay on farmland, a young couple with a baby in the park, the sun shining on a field of wheat

Community and Industry Information

Target Industries

Small manufacturing/assembly
Food processing
Animal agriculture (dairy, feedlots, etc.)
Wind energy development
Wellness providers; specialty care
Legal services

Supporting Resources

Abundant water
Direct access to US Highway 281 (connects Canada & Mexico)
Railroad service - BNSF Main Line and Red River Valley & Western
Municipal airport
Industrial park development lots
Diverse agricultural production
Ag-friendly zoning
Commercial property for sale
Tax incentives
Economic Development Organization
Chamber of Commerce

2010 Census Demographics

Population 2,385
95% white; 2.5% American Indian; 2.5% other
21% under 18
Other Demographic Information

50% of population is 18-65 years old (workforce)*
60% of those 16+ are in the workforce*
16% of population has at least a bachelor's degree*
Current unemployment rate: 4.3%**
Average wages: $488/week or $12.20/hour***

*as per NRABC survey, 2006

**as per Job Service North Dakota, August 2010 (not seasonally adjusted)

***as per Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3rd qr. 2009

Top Employers

1. Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd
150 employees; skilled nursing care, assisted living and independent living apartments

2. 4th Corporation
80 employees; Group home & center-based care for individuals with disabilities

3. North American Bison Cooperative
70 employees; bison meat & 100% natural beef processing facility

4. New Rockford-Sheyenne School District #2
50 employees; K-12 public education

Community Amenities (New Rockford)

Population 1,400
County Seat
Located on US Highway 281
Burlington Northern Railroad
Red River Valley and Western Railroad
Municipal Airport with paved, lighted runway
Nursing Home & Assisted Living Facilities
Public School for Grades K-12
Medical & Dental Clinics
Chiropractor & Physical Therapist
Senior Citizen Center
City Park,Playground and Pool
City Library
Weekly Newspaper
Fiber Optic Telecom Service
High-Speed DSL and Cable Internet Access
Outdoor Recreation, including hunting & fishing
James River
New Rockford Reservoir
Low Income Housing
130 acre Industrial Park
City website

Community Amenities (Sheyenne, 10 mi. north)

Population 200
Located on US Hwy. 281
Red River Valley & Western Railroad
Senior Citizen Center
Community Center
City park
Fiber optic telecommunications
High-speed DSL internet
Outdoor recreation opportunities
Warsing Dam
Sheyenne River

This site maintained by the New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation.